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Tarot Reading- Which Questions Can You Ask and When?

Now and then, we feel low and hopeless about our future. Nothing is there to blame it on, as, in this 21st century, everything has become so fast and confusing that sometimes we need to catch our breath for a moment. Most of us go on with the flow, while many people cannot cope with some situations. Whether it is academic, financial, mental, or personal love life, we feel lost and hopeless sometimes. Maybe this is not depression. Sometimes only a confidence boost can change a person’s whole life. However, some techniques may help people give an insight into their present or future. Whether you believe or not in them, these techniques may give you just the confidence boost you need. What we are talking about is well known to us all. Astrology, pendulum reading, crystallomancy, and tarot card reading are a few of them. Some of these are widely popular, and some are lesser-known. Tarot card reading is one of the most famous fortune telling techniques. In this article, we will talk about Tarot reading today, which questions to ask, and when.


What is a Tarot Card Reading?

Tarot is a form of fortune-telling. Tarot cards are a deck of cards consisting of 78 cards with different illustrations. Tarot occultists use these cards to gain an insight into an individual’s past, present, or future. The practitioners formulate some questions, draw random cards from the deck, and interpret them. This is supposed to give individuals spiritual growth and personal guidance. This is typically a psychological process rather than a magical or supernatural phenomenon. The imagery on the cards is archetypal, emphasizing human nature and behavior. 

Interested in learning more about 《Tarot Reading in Modern Times


Where to Find Tarot Reading Services?

Tarot reading is widely practiced. Back in the day, it was considered a shady business, but there is less stigma around these things in the present day. What’s better than searching online? You can find local fortune-tellers in your area or depend on online Tarot reading services too. Tarot reading free online sites are safe to say nothing but scams, so beware of them. Free sites run the process with the help of an AI that can misinterpret or fail to give an in-depth insight. Tarot reading services may cost anywhere between $15 to $50, so they are not cheap. So, do your homework and follow the service ratings before visiting the fortune-teller.

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Which Questions Can You Ask and When?

When you sit in front of a tarot practitioner, questioning should go both ways, just like you do in front of a doctor. But under any circumstances, do not ask questions on health issues. Those things should better be kept for a visit to a health professional. Questions can be on anything, from your academic life to professional life, love life, financial state, etc. Tarot reading meaning can change on your questions too.


Seeking advice:

Seeking advice brings ‘what should I do?’ type of questions, which is a great utilization of tarot reading opportunity if you are looking for advice. Suppose you are going through a breakup; you can ask questions like- ‘is there still a bond?’, ‘current relationship strength,’ ‘chances of a partner coming back’ or ‘what should be the next step for a new relationship,’ etc. If you are searching for a job, you can ask questions like- ‘what type of job will best suit me?’, ‘possibilities of a new job,’ ‘what can be a better job for me?’, etc. More cards will be drawn to answer your queries elaborately as you ask these questions. Advice type of questions should be asked before initial cards are drawn, then dive deeper with more specific questions.


Questions should be specific because vague questions often lead to misinterpretation of the cards. In a standard Tarot reading process, usually, 3 cards are drawn randomly, representing your past, present, and future. Other cards may be drawn to fill in the blanks. Suppose you are told something about your academic life, then your question should be specific, like is that about any test or choosing the wrong subject or is that related to a project. Questions like that clear out the clouds and give an insight to the practitioner about what answers you are seeking. You can ask this kind of question once initial cards are drawn, and a card indicates that specific subject matter.


Suppose you are confused about investing in something among a few other options, choosing between two educational institutions, or choosing between two jobs. In that case, you can resolve your confusion in a Tarot reading session. If you are confused between a few things, Tarot readers go deeper into your mind to select the best option for you. Questions can be something like- ‘what will be the best option for me?’, ‘what’s wrong with the other option?’, ‘what if I choose the other option above the one I was suggested,’ or ‘is there any better option other than these?’, etc.


If you are wondering about the general uncertainty of life and have no specific questions to ask, wait till the initial cards are drawn. The first three cards may lay the foundation of what you seek and then start asking specific questions based on that topic.


Are Tarot cards trustworthy?

Tarot reading is accurate or not depends on many factors. To be honest, it depends on person to person as it is more of a psychological thing than a scientific or magical process. The practitioner may misinterpret, or sometimes, it is just a matter of hard work than simple luck. It can be good to show an individual a guiding path or give them a confidence boost but do not take the results as an obvious outcome under any circumstances. It can get your hopes up or even down. Are these readings accurate as they claim to be? Read this article《 Tarot readings How Trustworthy Are They



We all feel low sometimes, whether it is something bothering us or just the idea of uncertainty in life. Tarot reading yes or no depends on you. There is no judging if you believe in Tarot reading. Even the world’s greatest minds have depended on luck at any point in their lives as there is ‘hope’ that drives us to carry on every day. Just keep in mind to visit a good Tarot reader and ask questions accurately to get the desired answers.