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Online and live tarot reading Meaning of some Tarot Cards

Peeps worried about your future, the unknown paths, perfect career, or love life. Here’s the solution to all problems in your life. Have you ever heard about tarot reading? If no then this is the perfect time you dwell upon this topic. Tarot card reading is a form of fortune telling which gives the practitioner insight into the past, present, and future in someone’s life. In my high school days, I always wondered what my future held. I got my answer through the tarot card readings. I always loved that they couldn’t tell my exact future but just give a sneak peek into my life. I loved the ambiance of the tarot card reader’s room, she had a crystal ball filled with sparkling fluid, the walls of her room decorated with quotes and paintings of all the mythical heroes. It was such a pleasant feeling. Every tarot deck has 78 cards divided into minor arcana and major arcana. The minor arcana is very similar to the normal playing card deck- it has kings, queens, jacks, and four suits- there are 56 cards in tarot and only 52 in the standard deck. The major arcana has 22 cards representing the tarot in pop culture – death, the devil, etc.


There are different types of decks. The cards give valuable information. Some rely on numerology, astrology, etc to give deeper meaning. There’s no single way to read a tarot card, so I would leave it to experts. No matter how many books you read or hoard piles of tarot cards, it’s no easy job to read a tarot card you need to be very intuitive. 

To learn the correct way to read the tarot cards, check here 《How to do Tarot Reading

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The Tarot card tells you the story of cycles of life. After shuffling the card, you pick out the cards the reader lays them on the table, this card tells you about the trials and tribulations you might face in the path you are following. The cards in major arcana don’t represent us in the reading. They represent someone else in our lives or give symbols about any issue present at that point in our life. Tarot is a very difficult language and subject to master. All readers have a different way of reading them.


I have seen many people coming into these businesses and have different styles of reading tarot cards. Because of their uniqueness, they flourish in these. If you face any problem, you should visit a tarot card reader. If you can’t visit a tarot card reader, you can try online tarot card services. Various websites provide quality tarot card services. These services are cost-effective and easy to avail of. You can take their service at your convenient time. Make sure to visit a tarot card reader vary soon. Tarot card is more about discovering the deeper meanings of life rather than just fortune-telling. They offer psychological symbols and how you can apply them in your day-to-day life. Tarot cards help to bring us open-minded questions rather than answers. These open-minded questions will help you enrich your mind and give you a valuable life. 

Using online tools, this article may be useful to you,《Online Tarot Card Reading Tools - Pros and Cons of Using Them


Here are some tarot cards and their meanings: let’s start with major arcana tarot cards.

1. The fool- this card is represented with no 0 and has a huge potential. When you pull this card out from a deck, it indicates the sudden emergence of unexpected adventures. So, take a leap of faith and follow the way.

2. The magician- this card indicates that at this moment, you have the exact motivation you were looking for to complete your most awaited unfinished work. It will remind you of your amazing willpower to follow the track.

3. The high priestess- It indicates you to enrich your mind power following the intuition. It tells you to reflect on everything you learned and use your intellect to decipher the deeper meaning of life. It indicates the time for learning and gathering knowledge.

4. The empress- this card tells you to reflect on your feminine side, which indicates your sensual, artistic, and creative side. It may be the perfect time to start a project that needs creativity and artistry.

5. The emperor- this card signifies a masculine father figure. They create rules, give knowledge, and lead any task assigned to them. This signifies you to be like an emperor who takes the lead, fights the problems, and has the knowledge to bestow.

6. The Hierophant- advises us to follow the rules already established in the world and follow conservative standard methods. It warns us from breaking any norms and establishing new ones. You need to familiarize yourself with the already existing rules. This card is generally related to religion. Hence it tells us to follow our mentor and belief in spirituality.

7. The lovers- many people get very excited when this card comes. It doesn’t necessarily always describe a romantic relationship. It is indicating partnership, friendship, or even a meaningful relationship. This card advises us to follow your temptations after quick research.

8. The chariot- it signifies a brave warrior within a chariot. This card signifies your strength and talks about the correct time to take action. A charioteer has massive willpower and is ready to face any circumstances facing him. A charioteer never looks back and is always there to achieve victory.

9. The strength- this card has an image of a woman gently stroking a lion. This card represents the strength to achieve the unachievable with her wisdom and intellect. It gives you a symbol to overcome any obstacle. This is a symbol of endurance and spiritual power within you.

10.The wheel of fortune- this tells us that wheel is always moving, and every situation in your life is temporary. Any bad or good situation will change with time. This reminds us of karma.

To know more about tarot card meanings and the meaning of life vising online tarot card readings. These were some of the meanings of cards from the deck of major arcana. They give amazing readings after you pick six or three cards from a deck. Make sure you do not overdo it as it may disturb your mental equilibrium and give unsatisfactory results. Tarot card reading is meant to give you solace and peace. It helps you in relationship problems, gives chances for life improvement, better decision-making abilities, creates chances of improvement, and many other benefits.