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Rated5 out of 5
Reviewed on Jan 27, 2022, From Amazon Customer Reviews
I'm at a loss for words

I'm not even sure how to begin this review. ?To say that these cards are beautiful, stunning, gorgeous, wouldn't be enough. ?Spectacular, breathtaking, awe-inspiring, still wouldn't be enough.These cards are works of art. ?The gold foil gives them such a movement of energy, moving the cards in any light produces a tiger's eye effect, it's just incredible. ?The fact that they're made of PVC, the cards seem to be lighter than my traditional Ryder Waite and they'll withstand multiple readings.What makes me mad, however, is the lack of spell-checking. ?Inside this gorgeous box is a quote that was completely trashed because of no quality control. ?As it reads inside the box, including the spelling errors....'Let's enjoy the journey of exptoring more psssibilities in the tarot world'.For something so beautiful, you would think the company would take the time to check their spelling and it's a real disappointment. ?I'm still giving the deck a five star review because the cards themselves are stunning, but when you can't take the time to spell check, that's just lazy. ?So before you print anymore boxes, spell check, please.